Keep on going

Most of my days consists of me looking for a full-time job, that doesn’t pertain to retail, hostessing, or babysitting. I know that might mean that I will be limiting myself to a small range of jobs, but through all the pain I have been through and experiences, I just don’t want to do those kind of jobs anymore.  A friend, that I guess isn’t a friend anymore, decided to have a heated debate with me on Facebook, saying that, “I was putting down the people who work those kind of jobs and that I should leave the creative field alone, since I’m not actually doing anything with my life.” And then she proceeded to unfriend me on Facebook and not return my calls. Of course it stung, but I realized I did nothing wrong. I just stated that I didn’t want a job like that anymore. I don’t need to work in an uncomfortable environment, where I get sexually harassed by co-workers (true story) and then work my ass off and get paid next to nothing.  I’ve done those kind of jobs and now I’m done with them. So, I look up creative jobs, entry jobs, cleaning jobs…the list goes on and on and I have to keep on telling myself that something will work out eventually.

I find solace in the fact, that I am trying to learn more about food photography and photography and general and also cooking. It brings a lot of joy to me. So, even though my recipe today was quick and scattered, because of where my brain was, I decided to post it anyway. Everything is a learning experience and you have to try to push yourself to grow. I know, easier said than done. I’ve been there SO many times and I still am. But, I feel that, with pain becomes growth. That’s what I’m learning. I don’t know who I am or what I want to do, but I’m exploring and that is the most important thing. Also, to keep on going…even when the day may seem crappy, terrible, heart-wrenching, unbearable, you can keep on going.

Tonight I made a salmon patty. It was alright, so even though it was just “alright”, I’m still going to post it up here, because it’s a growing process.

Keep on learning and keep on growing. -B

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